Fast racer

After days of being idle, I am back again with review of another game, Fast Racing Car 2D. I received review request from the developer of this game and here am I writing about it.

It’s a small 2D car racing game, where you are suposed to drive your car without being hit. As soon as you are hit, it will deaccelerate and finally halt.

The game opens up with a splash screen for few seconds, and then moves on to menu screen, where we have the option to “Play the game” and “Settings”.

The game is built into portrait mode and starts with your car amongst few other on track. In order to move sideways you will have to tilt the phone, and while driving make sure you don’t get hit.

Things I liked:

  1. The game is small.
  2. The car you drive is stable and after few tries you can complete a level easily.

Things that need improovement:

  1. Graphics: I am not impressed by the graphics of the game. The images are not crisp and the game is not running on full screen either.
  2. The spash screen video looks incomplete, it should be slightly longer as per me.

Overall the playback is fine but the interface need some work.
The game is available on playstore.

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