Map location book marker is a book marking app for your locations. The app provides you with an option to choose location on map, just like shown in the below screen-shot.

Select location

Once you have selected the location its time to save it.
The app shows up a pop up dialog , with the geo coordinates of the location and the option to enter name for it.

Save location

The location is now saved.
In order to view my saved locations, click on the markers list button at bottom left.
This shows up a list of markers with options to show the route from current location to selected location, save screen shot of the map, view location on map, share location and delete it.
Markers list

Besides that on the top there is search bar to find the location and add it to your list.

Conclusion :

If you are looking for a simple app to save the locations, take the screen-shot and use offline later on then the app is good for you, its free so you don’t have to shed anything off to try it out.


Improvements :

The first improvement that I will suggest is the name of the App on the launcher screen, its my_loc_book, should be changed to something like “Location Book”.

Another thing that can be enhanced is the UI, current UI looks outdated, and people love to see good looking apps, so work needs to be done here.

Hope the review was complete enough, the app is available on playstore, with the name, Map location save book marker.

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